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WFP Goodwill Ambassador Hend Sabry supports climate adaptation efforts across the region

CAIRO – Arab film star Hend Sabry lent her voice to a United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) campaign highlighting the impact of the climate crisis on the most vulnerable communities in the Middle East and North Africa as world leaders convene in Egypt’s Sharm El Sheikh that hosts the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27).

The campaign lays out the gravity of the effect of the climate crisis on future food security, and highlights climate adaptation solutions WFP is implementing across the region.

“Climate change is a reality we live every day, it is not as simple as temperatures rising, it is a lot more serious. Rising temperatures affect agriculture and water resources, which means that our food and water security are at risk,” said Sabry. “People who are forced to leave their homes because of storms and floods are increasing and if urgent action isn’t taken, we will see a lot more people displaced in the near future.”

The Middle East and North Africa is one of the most water-scarce regions in the world. Between 2010 and 2019, nearly 1.5 million people in the Middle East and North Africa were displaced by climate-related disasters. WFP is implementing climate-smart solutions benefiting more than 1 million people in ten countries across the region. This is key to achieving food security and preserving biodiversity, while ensuring peace and stability.​ 

This summer, the UN Goodwill Ambassador visited farmers in Luxor and Aswan to highlight the impact of WFP and the Egyptian government’s rural development programme that benefits up to 350,000 smallholder farmers and their families in more than 60 villages in Upper Egypt.

“We all have a role to play; governments, private sector and individuals. And at the World Food Programme, we are doing our part by helping communities adapt to climate change,” said Sabry. “We’re calling for urgent global action to scale up climate adaptation.”

In Egypt, WFP has been working since 2013 in collaboration with the Egyptian government to help smallholder farmers adapt to the climate crisis. WFP introduced rural communities to new agricultural practices, renewable energy, enhanced irrigation systems and land consolidation.

Land and water management of over 10,000 acres were improved to achieve up to 40 percent higher productivity and reduced cost of inputs by 25-40 percent, while harvest losses were reduced by up to 50 percent.

The MENA region is already warming at twice the global average and by 2050 could be 4°C degrees warmer than pre-industrial levels. 

Check her videos on Facebook in En/Ar and on Twitter En/Ar and on Instagram

Download Hend Sabry’s pictures in Luxor and Aswan here


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The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters, and the impact of climate change.




Abeer Etefa, WFP/Sharm El Sheikh,

Mob. +2 0106 663 4352

Amina Al Korey, WFP/Sharm El Sheikh,

Mob. +2 010 285 31535

Reem Nada, WFP/Cairo,

Mob. +2 0106 663 4522