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WFP fosters experience sharing on wheat flour fortification between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

DUSHANBE – Representatives from Tajikistan state institutions, wheat flour mills and the private sector have completed a four-day study tour to Uzbekistan to learn about the implementation of Uzbekistan’s wheat flour fortification regulatory framework. The visit was organised by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), in partnership with the Government of Tajikistan.

Fortification is one of the most cost-effective means of combating micronutrient deficiencies, which remains a public health issue in Tajikistan, particularly for women and children. Malnutrition can lead to the development of diseases and chronic health conditions.

During the study tour, participants learned about the regulatory framework and millers’ experience and achievements on wheat flour fortification in Uzbekistan, the procurement of micronutrient premix and support provided to millers in the country. Uzbekistan has an extensive experience fortifying food with minerals and vitamins, particularly wheat flour.

“WFP is committed to providing technical support to the Government, the private sector and relevant ministries and departments to promote wheat flour fortification in Tajikistan. This visit provides us with the opportunity to learn about success stories, and institutional and legal frameworks on wheat flour fortification in Uzbekistan. The visit will further strengthen the implementation of the Law on Food Fortification and the National Programme for Prevention of Micronutrient Deficiency and Related Diseases among the population of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2022-2027,” said WFP Representative and Country Director in Tajikistan, Adham Musallam.

The Government of Tajikistan adopted several strategic documents to eliminate micronutrient deficiencies among the population and has identified food security and nutrition as one of the country’s four strategic goals in the 2016-2030 National Development Strategy.

WFP is the only agency that brings fortified food - including fortified wheat flour and vegetable oil - into the country. Through the National School Feeding Programme, around 450,000 primary grade schoolchildren in 2,000 schools receive daily hot meals prepared with these nutritious ingredients.

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Tajikistan Uzbekistan Nutrition


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WFP/ Dushanbe,

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