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WFP and Government of China sign emergency food assistance agreements for African countries

ROME – The World Food Programme (WFP) and the Government of China have recently signed agreements to provide emergency food assistance to Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe to respond to food insecurity.

The agreements were signed by high-level management of WFP and China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA).

Under the framework of the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund, China’s support will enable WFP to procure food including rice, maize, pulses, fortified cereals, vegetable oil for more than 477,000 of the most vulnerable people in these three countries, mainly women and children.

Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe face serious food insecurity challenges especially due to climate-related disasters such as droughts and floods.

“I appreciate China’s support to WFP’s humanitarian efforts in those African countries,” Qu Sixi, Country Director of WFP China Office said. “We will make sure the resources will be distributed to the people in need.”

China has provided continual and concrete support to WFP’s humanitarian operations in various countries and regions in recent years, contributing significantly to WFP’s mission of saving lives and changing lives.


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