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The Government of Sudan, FAO and WFP call for investment in Sudan's agriculture as number of people facing acute food insecurity reaches record high

KHARTOUM – The Ministry of Agriculture and Forests of Sudan, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations World Food Programme today called for greater investment in Sudan’s agriculture and humanitarian assistance, as a new food security assessment shows that a record number of Sudanese will face acute food insecurity in the coming lean season.

The latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) results for Sudan say 9.8 million people are projected to be acutely food insecure (IPC Phase 3 and above) across the country throughout the lean season from June through September.

More than 20 percent of Sudan’s population is projected to be facing acute food insecurity starting this month, the highest figure reported in the history of the IPC in Sudan.

‘‘Sudan, through its Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, has as its main objective to combat poverty and avail food for the nation. It also contributes significantly in food security for the region. Such achievements can be attained by intensive investments in agriculture by the support of the government, active organizations, mainly FAO and WFP and other partners,” said Eltahir Harbi, Minister of Agriculture and Forests.

The key drivers of food insecurity in Sudan include floods, recurrent droughts, economic decline, inflation and displacement because of conflict.

The economy of Sudan is highly dependent on agriculture, which is the most important economic sector. Agriculture employs 43 percent of Sudan’s labour force and accounts for about 30 percent of GDP (ILO estimates of 2019, & World Bank report). Sudan is one of the largest livestock producing countries in Africa and the Arab world, where the livestock sector contributes to the livelihoods of at least 26 million people.

“Agricultural production promotes livelihoods, save lives and restores livelihoods. Urgent action is needed to safeguard livelihoods and promote recovery through cash interventions, supplementary livestock feeding, and livelihood recovery and farming packages,’’ said Babagana Ahmadu, FAO Representative to Sudan.

The latest IPC results revealed that major acute food insecurity exists in 10 out of the 18 states in terms of caseload and proportion of food insecure populations compared to only two states in the penulatimate IPC analysis from June to August 2019.

“Urgent action is required to save lives and that is our priority as WFP. It’s not just about saving lives; it’s about changing lives. All partners – UN, INGOs, Government, and private sector, including potential investors, must come together to reduce food insecurity in the country so we can reach zero hunger by 2030,” said Eddie Rowe, WFP Representative and Country Director in Sudan.

This latest IPC analysis was released just a week after a high-level meeting in Paris, hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron, which advocated for broader economic reforms. The high levels of food insecurity underscore the need for investments in Sudan’s agricultural sector and productivity.

‘‘Creating an investment climate for the private sector to be actively involved in agriculture and agribusiness should be emphasized at all levels so as to pave way for small farmers and agro-industry owners to play significant role in the development of the agriculture sector,”  said Ahmadu.

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The IPC analysis report is available here.


The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification is a set of tools and procedures to classify the severity and causes of acute food and nutrition insecurity as well as chronic food insecurity based on international standards. The IPC analysis in Sudan is led by the Food Security Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests of Sudan with the technical working groups composed of all government line ministries, United Nations agencies, and non-government partners and members of the IPC technical working groups at federal and state levels facilitated by the IPC Regional and Global Support Units.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forests is the Government agency responsible for food security interims of production of food, with its Food Security Technical Secretariat responsible for food security in its broader concept. The Ministry supports 4 national agricultural projects to enhance food availability, as well it supports small scale farmers with agricultural inputs and follow up the season, this is besides agricultural services, and this will contribute in improvement of livelihood of people.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that works in diverse ways to advance food security for all, so that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active and healthy lives. That includes operating in crises contexts from day one to address acute levels of food insecurity, providing rural agriculture-dependent and pastoralist communities with support so they can continue to produce food, earn income, and keep their livelihoods intact.

The United Nations World Food Programme is the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.  We are the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.


Follow us on Twitter @FAOSudan,@WFP_Sudan, and @WFP_Africa


Sudan Food Security Partnerships


Fatima Elhassan Eltahir, Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS),

Mob. +249 11541980,

Amani Hag Al Bashir, FAO/Sudan,

Mob. +249 91 273 9255,

Leni Kinzli, WFP/ Khartoum,

Mob. +249 91 277 1269,