Whether it is delivering assistance in the midst of conflict or helping in the aftermath of a natural disaster, the World Food Programme (WFP) is required to respond readily to crises or emergencies. Being accountable to the people we serve and those that provide funds, we need to measure performance and demonstrate results while meeting the needs of beneficiaries.
WFP works with partners on the ground to assess needs and support programmes to reach zero hunger. As we plan, design, implement and report on our activities, we are also responsible for monitoring and evaluating our efforts, and take every opportunity to learn first-hand from our operations and projects.
Continuous monitoring of achievements and overall performance generates the information and data to tell WFP and its partners if the approaches chosen are successful. Learning from that evidence is necessary in order to adjust projects and report effectively on results.
Regular, independent evaluations are needed to determine whether we are doing the right thing, if we are achieving results and whether or not we could do thing differently. This ensures both accountability to donors and learning for the organization.