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Inspector General's Annual Report

The Inspector General presents his report to the Executive Board in line with WFP's General Regulations. The list below shows all reports of the WFP Inspector General presented to the Executive Board, as well as the Notes by the Executive Director on the Annual Report of the Inspector General.

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Inspector General's Report to the Executive Board 1998-1999

Reference: WFP/EB.3/2000/4-C

In accordance with Article VI (2) (b) (viii) of the WFP General Regulations, the Board is provided with a biennial report on inspections and investigations for its consideration and forwarding to the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), as required by the Board’s decision 1998/EB.3/3. This is the third report of the Office of the Inspector-General (OEDI) and covers the period January 1998 to December 1999.

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Inspector General's Report to the Executive Board 1996-1997

Reference: WFP/EB.3/98/4-B

The first report by the Inspector-General (IG) (WFP EB.3/96/4-c) covered the work carried out between August 1995 and July 1996. The Executive Board decided that in future the IG should report biennially, in parallel with the report on WFP’s Audited Accounts. Some representatives requested that future reports include more details of lessons learned from inspections, which might be of value to other United Nations organizations as well as to WFP. The Board particularly emphasized the importance of the “deterrent effect” of the Inspector-General’s work.

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Inspector General's Report to the Executive Board 1995-1996

Reference: WFP/EB.3/96/4-C

In December 1994 the Executive Director decided to establish an inspection and investigation function within WFP. This is a key element in improving "oversight" within the Programme and is in addition to enhancements in both Internal Audit and the Evaluation Service. The Office of Inspection and Investigation (OEDI) was set up in July 1995 when an experienced Country Director was appointed as Director and a professional investigator was recruited from outside the Programme.

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Response to public queries

WFP appreciates the public interest in its reports. However, due to resource constraints, we will be unable to respond to individual questions regarding its reports.