Flexible Funding
What is a Flexible Contribution?
Flexible funding is one of WFP’s core funding approaches, allowing it to determine the country and the activities for which the contribution will be used. As such, it strengthens WFP’s ability to prioritize strategically, to optimize planning and to respond with speed.
WFP’s definition of flexible funding aligns with the earmarking definitions introduced in the Grand Bargain (2016). Flexible contributions to WFP consist of three types of funding: unearmarked multilateral contributions; contributions to life-saving activities through the Immediate Response Account (IRA); and softly earmarked contributions allowing flexibility beyond country level, such as regional and thematic contributions. Note that this definition applies to contributions made in 2022 and onwards, while the historical funding statistics until 2021 exclude softly earmarked funds.
Under the allocations listed on this page, you will see how WFP has allocated its multilateral resources across its country operations. For allocations from the IRA, please visit the dedicated Immediate Response Account page.
What is the importance of Flexible Funds?
Flexible contributions are crucial for our emergency responses, protracted relief and recovery efforts, whenever and wherever needs are greatest. Flexible funds provide WFP with greatest flexibility and predictability to kick start operations, fund neglected crises and ultimately enhance our response to those most in need. Learn more about the value of flexibility and predictability of funding, from WFP’s Annual Reports:
Annual Report on Flexible Funding - 2023
Annual Report on Flexible Funding - 2022
Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2021
Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2020
Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2019
Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2018
Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2017
View the historical funding for Immediate Response Account
View the historical funding for flexible contributions
Flexible Contributions
Donors | US$ |
UN | 280,800 |
Australia | 26,143,791 |
Austria | 33,141,872 |
Belgium | 10,776,062 |
Canada | 23,312,010 |
China | 200,000 |
Chile | 20,000 |
Cyprus | 53,777 |
Denmark | 30,078,466 |
Estonia | 43,150 |
Finland | 11,417,265 |
France | 10,834,236 |
Germany | 500,102,903 |
Hungary | 20,000 |
Iceland | 1,641,450 |
Ireland | 27,412,281 |
Italy | 2,143,623 |
Kazakhstan | 30,000 |
Republic of Korea | 26,000,000 |
Liechtenstein | 336,772 |
Lithuania | 111,857 |
Luxembourg | 2,852,112 |
Netherlands | 68,240,479 |
Norway | 43,810,452 |
New Zealand | 6,309,799 |
Panama | 1,000 |
Poland | 1,224,640 |
Portugal | 10,000 |
Qatar | 5,000,000 |
Slovakia | 15,000 |
Slovenia | 1,713,596 |
Sweden | 106,171,521 |
Switzerland | 28,481,652 |
United Kingdom | 51,129,666 |
United States of America | 15,000,000 |
Private Donors | 32,034,199 |
All Donors in 2024 as at 23/12/2024 | 1,066,094,430 |
Multilateral Allocations
Allocations | US$ |
Afghanistan | 30,028,000 |
Algeria | 5,413,655 |
Angola | 3,289,051 |
Armenia | 570,208 |
Bangladesh | 6,739,847 |
Benin | 1,646,247 |
Bhutan | 446,338 |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | 760,456 |
Burkina Faso | 12,369,449 |
Burundi | 2,835,853 |
Cambodia | 602,710 |
Cameroon | 4,433,131 |
Caribbean Community | 3,587,659 |
Central African Republic | 9,863,131 |
Chad | 5,003,258 |
Colombia | 2,819,869 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 24,664,627 |
Côte d'Ivoire | 4,387,720 |
Cuba | 1,590,489 |
Djibouti | 2,673,330 |
Dominican Republic | 1,184,406 |
Ecuador | 1,798,066 |
Egypt | 608,593 |
El Salvador | 1,556,754 |
Eswatini | 583,746 |
Ethiopia | 28,691,214 |
Gambia | 1,332,531 |
Ghana | 1,434,590 |
Guatemala | 1,792,971 |
Guinea | 992,672 |
Guinea-Bissau | 1,688,712 |
Haiti | 6,795,010 |
Honduras | 2,924,940 |
India | 608,649 |
Indonesia | 889,432 |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | 2,682,572 |
Iraq | 2,892,993 |
Jordan | 9,306,358 |
Kenya | 13,540,372 |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | 900,295 |
Kyrgyz Republic | 562,411 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 527,449 |
Lebanon | 16,962,554 |
Lesotho | 3,861,004 |
Liberia | 1,263,161 |
Libya | 1,778,512 |
Madagascar | 2,788,000 |
Malawi | 17,179,290 |
Mali | 5,999,677 |
Mauritania | 6,221,056 |
Republic of Moldova | 406,456 |
Mozambique | 10,711,674 |
Myanmar | 4,629,548 |
Namibia | 1,702,922 |
Nepal | 512,627 |
Nicaragua | 3,143,591 |
Niger | 6,800,103 |
Nigeria | 11,665,280 |
Pacific Islands COs | 1,370,980 |
Pakistan | 2,014,154 |
Peru | 781,612 |
Philippines | 1,629,727 |
Congo | 908,005 |
Rwanda | 1,301,794 |
Sao Tome and Principe | 320,488 |
Senegal | 583,429 |
Sierra Leone | 409,733 |
Somalia | 21,184,173 |
South Sudan | 27,226,202 |
Sri Lanka | 1,039,393 |
Palestine | 15,322,563 |
Sudan | 19,011,048 |
Syrian Arab Republic | 30,772,917 |
Tajikistan | 584,711 |
United Republic of Tanzania | 1,439,565 |
Timor-Leste | 518,639 |
Togo | 1,714,119 |
Tunisia | 481,525 |
Türkiye | 607,495 |
Uganda | 14,192,306 |
Ukraine | 5,110,764 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 1,442,506 |
Yemen | 31,613,126 |
Zambia | 4,022,720 |
Zimbabwe | 9,828,612 |
All Allocations in 2024 as at 23/12/2024 | 498,077,526 |