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For decades, Palestine has been facing a protracted and complex protection and humanitarian crisis. The crisis is tied to prolonged occupation, internal political divisions, and recurrent conflict that pose a threat to stability and development of the Palestinian people.

Humanitarian conditions in Gaza are critical following a sharp upsurge in violence in the region in early October 2023, with over 90 percent of the population facing acute food insecurity. Food and water are running out, shelters for displaced people are massively overcrowded and, without fuel, there is no electricity. Health services are collapsing.  In the West Bank also, conditions are deteriorating, and food is running short.

Prior to this phase of conflict, the collapse of all productive sectors, basic social services and infrastructures in Gaza was alarming. 

The continuous large-scale security, political and economic unrest in the West Bank and the 15-year sea, land and air blockade on the Gaza Strip have resulted in economic stagnation, loss of land and restricted trade and access to resources, along with high unemployment and poverty rates. These circumstances continue to exacerbate the already dire humanitarian situation.

The World Food Programme (WFP), through its dual mandate in humanitarian and development, provides life-saving food assistance to the most vulnerable and food insecure non-refugee Palestinians and works to safeguard livelihoods, build resilience, and reconstitute food systems in vulnerable areas. WFP also lends its technical expertise to support national institutions by strengthening their capacities to respond to shocks and building an inclusive social safety net.

To further strengthen the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, WFP is providing climate-smart agricultural assets such as hydroponics and wicking beds to households to increase their calorie intake and enable them to generate income. WFP also scaled up its resilience-building activities to include greenhouses, vegetable farms, sheep, poultry, and technical and vocational trainings for youth and people with disabilities. These projects reduce people’s vulnerability to external shocks, serve as a safety net, and support livelihoods. 

WFP provides its robust systems to humanitarian and development partners, allowing them to reach more people faster, and at a lower cost to donors and the environment. By offering its cash-based transfer platform to the wider humanitarian and development community, coordinating logistics, and developing an inter-agency common feedback mechanism, WFP contributes to the wider efforts for humanitarian-development-peace nexus.

What the World Food Programme is doing in Palestine

Food assistance
WFP provides unconditional food assistance, where this is possible during the current conflict and amid severe access constraints. In addition to general food distributions - parcels that contain pasta, pulses, canned food - WFP also provides assistance through hot meals kitchens, and provides wheat flour, yeast, sugar, and salt to bakeries to support local bread production. WFP also provides complementary nutritional supplements to pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children under five to meet their increased needs.
Livelihood support
WFP provides livelihoods interventions, such as climate-resilient agricultural assets and training, to households and smallholder farmers, equipping them with skills and tools to navigate and adapt their livelihoods to climate shocks and stressors. Through partnering with national institutions and local NGOs, WFP scaled up its resilience-building activities to include greenhouses, vegetable farms, sheep, poultry, and technical and vocational trainings for youth and people with disabilities. By introducing livelihood initiatives in Palestine, WFP helps enable the people we serve to access more basic needs while also boosting the local economy.
Capacity strengthening
WFP significantly expands its support to national institutions and promotes capacity-strengthening activities. WFP provides tools, guidance, and technical expertise to enhance national institutions' ability to monitor and analyze food insecurity, strengthen the National Social Safety Net, and expand livelihood projects to support national partners in protecting food systems.
Enabling partners
As a key enabler for the humanitarian response across sectors, WFP has built systems to create effective and efficient means of reaching targeted populations for actors involved in the implementation of the Humanitarian Response Plan for Palestine. Through its cash-based transfer platform, WFP has supported humanitarian and development actors in reaching more Palestinians in need, efficiently and cost-effectively, across different sectors. WFP also provides logistics coordination and an inter-agency community feedback mechanism to partners.

Partners and donors

Achieving Zero Hunger is the work of many. Our work in the State of Palestine is made possible by the support and collaboration of our partners and donors, including:



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Palestinian Territories

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