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Author: WFP

WFP Strategic Plan 2022-25
WFP’s Strategic Plan (2022–2025) outlines the many ways that the World Food Programme (WFP), working with others, can most efficiently and effectively save and change lives. It renews our commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Chronic hunger continues to rise

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development affirms countries’ resolve to end poverty and hunger, reduce inequality, build peaceful societies, stimulate environmentally sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and protect human rights. 

However, conflict, the climate emergency, economic inequalities and pandemics are core factors in limiting and even reversing progress on some of these aims. This puts global efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda in jeopardy. 

Main drivers of hunger



Economic shocks

Our vision 

WFP is fully committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The organization brings strengths and capabilities to United Nations system efforts to help countries respond to the urgent needs of those furthest behind and achieve the SDGs – keeping people, the planet, prosperity, peace and partnership at the centre.  

The vision for 2030 underlying WFP’s Strategic Plan for 2022–2025 is that:

SDG 2 - Zero Hunger and SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals

How we get there

The strategic plan results framework

The Strategic Plan Results Framework explained

The Strategic Plan Results Framework details the components required to make WFP's vision a reality.  

Realizing WFP's vision depends on achieving five outcomes, which are the product of a wide variety of activities. These activities are guided by cross-cutting priorities and empowered by enablers.

WFP in action: our outcomes

WFP's vision involves contributing to five outcomes:

SDG two - Zero Hunger


Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 are relevant to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and encompass WFP’s humanitarian, development and peace work, from strengthening local economies to building long-term resilience and prosperity. 

1. People are better able to meet their urgent food & nutrition needs

Beneficiaries taking away food they received at the WFP Food distribution in Maheny (Beloha Region). Photo: WFP/Giulio d'Adamo Saving lives in emergencies remains our highest priority. WFP will maintain a laser-sharp focus on its emergency response capability, strengthening and improving its efficiency and effectiveness by systematically responding to emergencies at the right time, with the right people and skill sets and in the right manner. Activities in emergencies include food and cash transfers that restore access to food, emergency nutrition services to prevent and treat malnutrition, and targeted feeding programmes through schools and health centres. WFP also involves disaster-affected populations in work activities that help to restore key assets and basic infrastructure.



2. People have better nutrition, health & education outcomes

Yonchi Marma (10) is having vegetable Khichuri. © WFP/Sayed Asif MahmudHumanitarian action alone cannot eradicate hunger. Unless structural vulnerabilities are also addressed, shocks and stressors will continue to generate urgent needs and increase hunger and malnutrition. WFP will therefore work with its partners to help address structural vulnerabilities and build human capital. We will do this by expanding services to address the immediate and underlying causes of malnutrition, providing nutritious school meals and strengthening social protection. 


3. People have improved & sustainable livelihoods

Multifunctional half-moons work in progress. After completion, the sites are seeded and in winter, a silvicultural development through the planting of woody species chosen by the communities. © WFP/Drone AfricaBuilding human capital and addressing other structural vulnerabilities lays the foundations for improved livelihoods. These, in turn, protect people from the cascading risks caused by the global climate emergency and other shocks and stressors – making sustainable solutions to hunger and malnutrition possible. Working with national counterparts and other partners, WFP’s risk-informed and integrated programmes will improve and adapt the livelihoods of the most vulnerable people in rural and urban areas. 

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals


Outcomes 4 and 5 are relevant to SDG 17 and contribute to enabling governments and humanitarian and development actors to reach the SDGs.

4. National programmes and systems are strengthened

Kenya Country Director-Lauren Landis and Chief Executive Officer KENIA- Dr. Tonny Omwansa signing agreement outlining collaboration. © WFP/Vanessa LangatAlongside its programme delivery, WFP seeks to strengthen national and local capacity and work through the country systems, presenting opportunities for scale, impact and sustainability. WFP will use its operational presence, partnerships and technical skills to strengthen national emergency preparedness and response systems, food systems and social protection systems. 

5. Humanitarian & development actors are more efficient & effective

Pre-boarding temperature control of passengers in accordance with the Covid 19 pandemic barrier measures of UNHAS Niger passengers with humanitarian staff to reach vulnerable populations in Niamey. © WFP/Mariama Ali Souley

Increasingly complex operational settings and unprecedented needs mean cooperation is more important than ever. WFP will expand its provision of services, both mandated and on demand, to support its partners’ humanitarian and development activities. In particular, WFP will increase its efforts to provide critical services to humanitarian partners during crises. 

Additionally, WFP will continue to contribute to advocacy and partnerships

Taking advantage of its unique international standing, extensive field presence, global reach and credibility, and as a contribution towards all outcomes, WFP will continue to advocate on behalf of the most vulnerable people. 

Encouraged by the Nobel Peace Prize award in 2020, WFP will engage in humanitarian diplomacy and peace advocacy, drawing upon the knowledge that comes from its operational engagement with conflict-affected people around the world. 

Our guiding principles

WFP puts people at the heart of its programme design and response, taking care to understand the risks they face and prioritizing the most vulnerable. WFP prioritizes safety and dignity, avoidance of harm and people's access to services and assistance – in line with, and respectful of, their choices and needs. To promote inclusion and ensure no one is left behind, WFP works with partners to identify and address barriers to these services and assistance.
WFP promotes the four humanitarian principles: humanity, neutrality, impartiality and operational independence. We work with those in need to ensure consistent and principled access. We maintain the highest standards of integrity across our work – insulating our actions from politics and grounding our response in respect for humanitarian principles. These tenets ensure that our life-saving assistance gets to those who need it most, regardless of nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class, political opinions, status or location.
WFP prioritizes working through and strengthening national programmes and systems. Stronger, transparent, accountable and resilient national systems are needed for more cost-efficient responses and sustainable outcomes. This includes improving the coverage, adequacy, comprehensiveness and quality of national programmes, as well as enhancing the organizational efficiency, effectiveness and viability of country systems towards achieving zero hunger.
WFP draws on its portfolio of activities and its expertise to implement operations, with partners, that are best suited to community-specific circumstances and needs. WFP determines the best way of working in each country by conducting in-depth context and conflict analysis. Across its activities, WFP harnesses knowledge from local actors and strengthens their leadership and ability to make assistance more localized and sustainable.
WFP is committed to increasing internal cooperation and integrating programmes across its portfolio and partnerships. In doing so, WFP is contributing to broader efforts by the United Nations and governments to strengthen collaboration in humanitarian, development and peace efforts.
Risk-based decision making and programming means identifying multiple threats and complex risks related to WFP achieving its results – whether due to conflict, climate-induced disasters or economic crises – as well as the risks created by WFP’s operations. WFP systematically assesses complex threats, risks and opportunities, and embeds risk management into the planning and delivery of its strategies and programmes.
Evidence and lessons learned from research, monitoring and evaluations of WFP’s performance, together with knowledge produced by communities, governments and partners, guides WFP’s programmatic approaches and helps demonstrate its long-term impact. As a knowledge and evidence-driven organization, WFP is committed to continued development of its data management and analysis, ensuring the best use of technology and data in decision making.

Protection & accountability to affected populations

WFP empowers affected populations to express their views, preferences and priorities. This includes identifying barriers to accessing food and nutrition assistance, and the risks facing affected populations, as well as strengthening WFP’s targeting by making it more inclusive and accessible.  

Gender equality & women’s empowerment

WFP supports equal opportunities, access to resources and a voice in decision making for all. WFP reviews any gender and age differences in its humanitarian responses, involves countries in its programmes to transform unequal gender relations, and provides technical expertise on gender to country offices. 

Nutrition integration

WFP reduces malnutrition and improves diets by integrating nutrition objectives and activities across its portfolio. Achieving this requires investments in programmes, operations and platforms that tackle both the underlying and immediate drivers of poor diets and malnutrition, while supporting sustained improvements.  


Environmental sustainability

WFP is committed to reducing the negative impact of its operations on the environment, people and communities. Environmental and social safeguards feature throughout our programmes, to systematically identify environmental and social risks. 

Our enablers

Emmanuel Bimba, WFP Programme Policy Officer, and Habiba Ibrahim, WFP Monitoring Assistant, in the field in Yobe State. ©Damilola Onafuwa


WFP’s people are essential to achieving our strategic and operational objectives. WFP’s workforce meets the constantly changing demands of the complex environments in which we operate.
WFP Headquarters Rome, Italy, 18 November 2021. Exchange of documents for the Memorandum Of Understanding between WFP and Mexico. Photo: WFP/Rein Skullerud


WFP is strengthening its vast network of partners (including governments, United Nations entities, civil society organizations, the private sector and over 900 national and international non-governmental organizations) to save and change lives.
 USAID Country Director Mervyn Farroe’s mission and his team to Port Sudan. ©WFP/Niema Abdelmageed


WFP continues to advocate for flexible funding to enable a more agile response to, and bolster sustainable assistance during, protracted crises. Multi-year funding is also critical to strengthening national systems and improving people’s livelihoods.
WFP's Executive Director discusses with Programme officer Soazic Dupuy the high-tech hydroponic unit. © WFP/Mustapha Bribi


WFP collects and uses strong evidence, institutionalizes joint and impartial needs assessments, and uses quantitative data and qualitative research to inform decision making and operations.
Half-moons work in progress by the participants of the FFA activities.  © WFP/Mariama Ali Souley


WFP is committed to becoming a digitally enabled and data-driven organization. Investments in new technology and data will help WFP digitalize its operations and generate real-time data.
H2Grow, WFP's hydroponics project, helps vulnerable communities to build their own hydroponic systems so that they can grow food in impossible places. © WFP/Mohammad Batah


WFP explores and uses innovations such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, biotechnology, edge computing and robotics to maximize its reach and impact.