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Addressing the Crisis:

A Global Call for Action

Food security is vital for global safety and prosperity, but poverty, conflicts, and climate change make it increasingly difficult for millions to access food. Prioritising global food security can empower communities, support gender equality, and unlock human potential. Without it, we face hunger, malnutrition, and threats to global peace and economic growth. Ending hunger is possible with urgent action.

As G7 Leaders prepare to meet in Italy, WFP calls for urgent action to ensure food security for all.

Empowering People


While meeting today’s urgent humanitarian needs is crucial, we must also empower individuals and communities to achieve their own food security. To truly end hunger, we must help communities become self-sufficient in their food needs.This involves enhancing social protection systems and focusing on gender-sensitive development to ensure no one is left behind. Ignoring food insecurity has severe long-term consequences, impacting peace and stability, socio-economic development, gender equality, and human capital.

Call to Action for World Leaders


  • Support national governments to scale-up innovative solutions to expand social protection systems and make them more efficient and effective.  
  • Continue to fund emergency responses and develop solutions that are gender-sensitive and promote gender equality. 
  • Invest and advocate for the universal right of nutritious school meals as a gateway to a healthier and more prosperous future for the next generation.    
Caring for the Planet


The world is facing rising hunger due to the climate crisis. Extreme weather events like droughts, heatwaves, storms, and floods are damaging fragile ecosystems and affecting food security. In 2023, we saw record-breaking cyclones, heatwaves, wildfires, and floods across various regions. As we work towards a future where no one goes hungry, climate-smart agriculture, and innovative technologies will ensure that we can feed a growing population by focusing on preparedness and protection before predictable climate shocks hit to break out of the never-ending cycle of crisis and response.

Call to Action for World Leaders


  • 1. Scale up financial support to strengthen early warning systems and anticipatory action programmes to address climate hazards and provide support before disasters hit.   
  • 2. Commit resources to the new Loss and Damage Fund, to climate adaptation programmes and disaster resilience in countries with growing humanitarian needs.  
  • 3. Partner with the private sector to protect people from climate risks by supporting the transition to clean energy economies and through climate risk insurance. 
Building Prosperity


In the face of climate change and natural disasters, building prosperity requires building resilience. The World Food Programme's resilience programs help communities withstand shocks and stresses. Partnering with private companies and corporate foundations is crucial for improving global food security. By incorporating innovative technologies, we can deliver more effective, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to vulnerable communities.

Call to Action for World Leaders


  • Promote policies and make investments in partnership with the private sector to enhance agricultural productivity, market access and value chains, particularly in fragile contexts.  

  • Restore degraded ecosystems and highlight regenerative agriculture’s ability to improve land, water quality and biodiversity.  

  • Invest in capacity training for smallholder farmer, particularly women and youth, to build inclusive and resilient local food systems.

Achieving peace


Conflict is a key driver of global food insecurity, with 70 percent of the world’s hungry people living in areas afflicted by violence. From the DRC, Gaza, Haiti and Sudan, the world is experiencing numerous protracted crises that urgently demand action from the global community to arrive at lasting political solutions to conflicts, to achieve peace for everyone. Food security plays a crucial role in maintaining social stability and peace. When people have sustained access to food, tensions decrease, cooperation increases, and communities can build a peaceful future together.

Call to Action for World Leaders


  • Engage in diplomatic efforts to end conflicts across the world acknowledging that conflict is the primary driver of food insecurity and instability.   
  • Secure trade and timely export of agro-food commodities for humanitarian interventions.   
  • Prevent famine in the most acute hunger emergencies, including in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the Gaza Strip, and Sudan. 

Join WFP's Call to Action:

A Future Secured by Global Food Security


The World Food Programme (WFP) addresses the impact of climate and conflicts on food security, especially for vulnerable groups. Sustainable solutions require support from governments, the private sector, and individuals. Together, we can build a world where every community has access to the food they need to thrive. Join WFP’s call to action and ask world leaders to make global food security a cornerstone of global stability.

Our approach is clear—embrace responsibility and pioneer cooperative solutions. By sharing values and working together, we can ensure a safer and more prosperous future for everyone.