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Audit Reports

Internal audit reports of the Office of the Inspector General are disclosed in accordance with the Oversight Reports Disclosure Policy approved by the Executive Board. The list below shows all reports that are disclosed to the public in line with this Policy.

Please note that the status of 'agreed actions' shown in the reports corresponds to the status at the time the report was issued.

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Internal Audit of WFP Operations in Afghanistan - March 2022

Reference: AR-22-05

At the time of development of the 2018-2022 Country Strategic Plan (CSP), Afghanistan ranked 169th of 188 countries in the Human Development Index. It had low levels of economic growth, high unemployment rates and over 54 percent of the population living below the poverty line. Years of conflict and widespread insecurity had exacerbated social, ethnic and cultural divisions, further contributing to instability. 2021, the year that the audit was conducted, saw a drastic change in the needs and conditions of implementation of WFP’s assistance. Audit work was carried out remotely from March to May 2021, prior to the declaration of a Level 3 emergency in Afghanistan on 30 September 2021. Focus was on:• beneficiary management;• cash-based transfers;• monitoring;• supply chain; and• finance. The field mission could not be carried out due to the evolving situation in Afghanistan from August 2021 and related constraints. The extent of work that could be completed remotely on Monitoring and Cash-based Transfers did not permit conclusions to be reached in these areas; nevertheless, reportable issues identified from the limited testing and assessment carried out were not extensive. Given the constraints described above and consequent limitations, it was not possible to arrive at an overall rating for the audit report on the basis of the work carried out.

Internal Audit of WFP Operations in Syria - February 2022

Reference: AR-22-04

As part of its annual work plan, the Office of Internal Audit conducted an audit of WFP’s operations in Syria that focused on the country office’s key processes: beneficiary management, cash-based transfers, supply chain, monitoring, and finance, and tailored reviews of the management of cooperating partners and humanitarian access. Based on the results of the audit, the Office of Internal Audit has come to an overall conclusion of partially satisfactory / some improvement needed.

Internal Audit of WFP Operations in Iran - February 2022

Reference: AR-22-03

WFP’s work in Iran aims to contribute to improving the livelihoods and food security of the most vulnerable refugees in settlements within the framework of the regional Solutions Strategy for Afghan Refugees. Interventions include the provision of: (i) unconditional food assistance to food-insecure refugees; (ii) conditional support to refugee women and girls to incentivize and facilitate educational and livelihood activities; and (iii) emergency food assistance through cash-based or in-kind transfers to shock-affected populations. The audit focused on the implementation of two activities under strategic outcome 1 of the Interim Country Strategic Plan that accounted for 87 percent of total cumulative expenditure up to 31 July 2021. Based on the results of the audit, the Office of Internal Audit has come to an overall conclusion of effective / satisfactory.

Privileges and immunities

WFP internal audit reports are made publicly available in accordance with decisions of the WFP Executive Board. Readers should understand that the publication of these reports does not constitute a waiver, express or implied, of WFP's immunities as set out in the Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the United Nations, 1946, the Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the Specialized Agencies, 1947, customary international law, other relevant international or national agreements, or under domestic law.

Response to the queries

WFP appreciates the public interest in internal audit reports. However, due to resource constraints, we will be unable to respond to individual questions regarding internal audit reports.