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Audit Reports

Internal audit reports of the Office of the Inspector General are disclosed in accordance with the Oversight Reports Disclosure Policy approved by the Executive Board. The list below shows all reports that are disclosed to the public in line with this Policy.

Please note that the status of 'agreed actions' shown in the reports corresponds to the status at the time the report was issued.

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Internal Audit of WFP Operations in Mauritania - November 2022

Reference: AR-22-17

As part of its annual workplan, the Office of Internal Audit conducted an audit of WFP operations in Mauritania that focused on beneficiary management, cash-based transfers, supply chain, monitoring, management of non-governmental organizations and budget management. The work of WFP in Mauritania, as defined in the Country Strategic Plan 2019–2023, aims to support the Government’s vision in achieving zero hunger and nutrition security to ensure coherence between relief, development and peacebuilding. WFP’s operations in Mauritania include the roll-out of a national adaptive social protection system; a long-term resilience approach; and an urgent humanitarian crisis, addressing malnutrition and providing assistance to refugees at the border with the Republic of Mali. Based on the results of the audit, the Office of Internal Audit reached an overall conclusion of some improvement needed.

Inspection Report on WFP Operations in Mauritania - June 2015

Reference: IR/01/2015

In late 2021, major donors advised WFP of concerns about operations in Mauritania, specific to the work in the M'bera camp where refugees from Mali are hosted. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) carried out an inspection to review the concerns raised, and in April 2013 made reccommendations to improve the functioning of the operations. The inspection was carried out in accordance with the charter of the Office of the Inspector General.

Privileges and immunities

WFP internal audit reports are made publicly available in accordance with decisions of the WFP Executive Board. Readers should understand that the publication of these reports does not constitute a waiver, express or implied, of WFP's immunities as set out in the Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the United Nations, 1946, the Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the Specialized Agencies, 1947, customary international law, other relevant international or national agreements, or under domestic law.

Response to the queries

WFP appreciates the public interest in internal audit reports. However, due to resource constraints, we will be unable to respond to individual questions regarding internal audit reports.