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Internal Audit of WFP's Nutrition Activities - February 2020

WFP’s Strategic Plan (2017–2021) includes “improve nutrition” as one of its five strategic objectives, and refers to nutrition as prominently as it does to the organization’s traditional area of competence, food security. The current Nutrition Policy, approved by the Executive Board in early 2017, draws from lessons learned from the evaluation (published in 2015) of the previous Nutrition Policy. The Policy aims to leverage WFP’s support to achieving zero hunger (Sustainable Development Goal 2) and to strengthening global partnerships (Sustainable Development Goal 17) by ensuring availability of, access to, demand for and consumption of diets that comprehensively meet – but do not exceed – the nutrient requirements of nutritionally vulnerable groups. Based on the results of the audit, the Office of Internal Audit has come to an overall conclusion of partially satisfactory / some improvement needed.