As part of its annual workplan, the Office of Internal Audit conducted an audit of WFP operations in Afghanistan which focused on governance and risk management, programme design and implementation, beneficiary identity management, cash-based transfers, supply chain, non-governmental organization partnerships, monitoring, humanitarian access and security, and treasury and cash management. With six strategic outcomes, the 2018‒2023 Country Strategic Plan positions WFP in Afghanistan to offer key support to achieve zero hunger by 2030 in a manner that contributes, wherever possible, to the broader, longer-term transition to peace and development in the country. During the audit period and until March 2023, WFP’s total operational costs amounted to approximately USD 2.8 billion, with the country office reaching more than 25 million beneficiaries. The audit focused on strategic outcome 1: Vulnerable people in Afghanistan are able to meet their food and nutrition needs during and immediately after emergencies through 2022 and reviewed the following activities under strategic outcome 1. Based on the results of the audit, the Office of Internal Audit reached an overall conclusion of major improvement needed.